Estate Planning Pitfall: You Haven’t Made Funeral Arrangements

No one wants to think about their own death, and planning for one’s own funeral isn’t easy. Immediately following a loved one’s death, family members are already very distressed. It is hard enough to follow through with funeral arrangements that have been outlined in one’s will or other estate planning document. It is far more difficult when no arrangements have been made at all.

Family members might also live in different places around the country or world. Coordinating a funeral from far away can be very complicated and stressful.

You can make things much easier for your family members and loved ones by designating one person to take on the main responsibilities of your funeral and issues related to it. The executor is often chosen for this role, although it may make more sense to designate someone else depending on your situation. Choosing ahead of time who will make sure your wishes are carried out can provide some comfort and assurance to you and your loved ones.

You can formally designate this person to handle your funeral arrangements in your will. If you opt not to do this, it is best to at least designate this person in a letter of instruction.

You can also plan and give specific instructions for your funeral arrangements ahead of time if you so choose. These can be as detailed or as general as you wish. Leaving instructions and making decisions for your funeral can ease more of the burden for your loved ones.

If you do not designate someone to be responsible for your funeral, there may be unnecessary additional costs and delay. There are a number of unexpected expenses your family may not be prepared for, such as that of transporting remains. Make sure you have included funeral arrangements in your estate plan.

For assistance with your estate plan, contact us at Wilson and Wilson Estate Planning and Elder Law, LLC at 708 482 7090 for our main office in LaGrange, Illinois or at 847 656 8958 for our Deerfield, Illinois office.