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Articles Posted in Estate Planning


5 Estate Planning Strategies To Support Someone Struggling With Mental Health Challenges (Part 2)

In last week’s post, I shared a few ways to provide support with estate planning to a family member or loved one with mental health challenges. Here are 3 more ways you may be able to support them, depending on their specific situation: • Consider a guardianship. If this family member or…


5 Estate Planning Strategies To Support Someone Struggling With Mental Health Challenges (Part 1)

Estate planning for a family member with mental health issues can be challenging. It can be hard to figure out what this person is able to handle on their own and what they may need assistance with, especially as this may change either gradually or quickly with time. In many…


How an Estate Plan Can Protect Against Financial Exploitation

Although we may think of phishing emails, robocalls, or other types of scams when we think about financial exploitation, it is far more common for this type of exploitation to be done by relatives, caregivers, neighbors, or friends someone believed they could trust. Financial exploitation is more common than most…


Estate Planning: 5 Tips to Pick Trustees, Executors, and POAs (Part 1)

When implementing estate planning documents, one of the biggest challenges people often run into is the choice of who to name as their trustees, powers of attorney, health care surrogates, and executors. Here are some tips for deciding who to appoint: 1. Give preference to those who have the most…


Why You Should Consider Multiple Successor Trustees

People with revocable living trusts often name a family member (spouse, oldest child, etc.) as their successor trustee. The successor trustee is who takes over the administrative duties for the trust in the event you become incapacitated or die. However, naming only one successor is probably not enough. It is…

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